Your New Year's Diet Could Be Deadly To Your Pet - Xylitol Toxicity In Dogs


Could Your New Year's Diet Be Deadly for Your Pet?

If you're planning to lose weight in the new year, you're not alone. In fact, "diet to lose weight" was one of the top five resolutions when Vitagene surveyed Americans about the content of their New Year's resolutions. Replacing sugar with an artificial sweetener offers a simple way to cut calories if you're ready to shed a few extra pounds. Unfortunately, the change could jeopardize your dog's health if you eat or drink foods and beverages that contain xylitol or add the sweetener to foods.

What Is Xylitol?

Xylitol is a sugar-free sweetener added to many low-calorie foods and beverages. The sugar alcohol is found naturally in fruits and vegetables and is commercially produced from corn cobs or birch bark, according to the International Food Information Council Foundation.

Xylitol is often used to sweeten sugar-free gum and candy and may be added to other sugar-free or diabetic friendly products, including mouthwash, toothpaste, peanut butter, chewable vitamins, mints, cough syrup, desserts, ice cream, and medications. You can also purchase xylitol in stores and use the product to sweeten your coffee or replace the sugar in a favorite recipe.

Why is Xylitol Harmful to Dogs?

Unlike humans, dogs are particularly sensitive to the effects of xylitol. Ingesting xylitol triggers a rapid release of insulin from your dog's pancreas and quickly lowers your pet's blood sugar level. Xylitol may also affect liver enzymes and cause liver failure in severe cases. The pancreas, located in your dog's abdomen, regulates blood sugar and produces enzymes needed for digestion.

If your pet doesn't receive immediate emergency veterinary treatment after eating or drinking a food or beverage containing xylitol, he or she could die.

What Are the Symptoms of Xylitol Poisoning?

Your dog may exhibit one or more of these signs and symptoms after ingesting xylitol:

  • Lethargy
  • Coordination Problems or Difficulty Walking Normally
  • Yellow Gums
  • Vomiting
  • Diarrhea
  • Black Stool
  • Trembling
  • Racing Heart
  • Seizures
  • Sudden Collapse

The severity of the symptoms will depend on the amount of xylitol that your pet consumes. Foods that list xylitol among the first several ingredients contain the highest amounts of the sweetener.

How Is Xylitol Poisoning Treated?

Your pet's veterinarian may give him or her medication to induce vomiting, depending on how long ago your dog consumed xylitol. Intravenous fluids and dextrose (sugar) may also be provided to treat dangerously low blood sugar.

Over several hours, the amount of dextrose your dog receives will be gradually decreased until your pet's blood sugar reaches normal levels. Your pet's veterinarian will also closely monitor your dog's liver enzymes. In some cases, your pet may need to take liver protectants for a week or two after returning home.

Are Other Sweeteners Dangerous?

Although your dog doesn't need to eat sweets, ingesting foods or beverages sweetened with other artificial sweeteners won't harm his or her health. In fact, erythritol, stevia, maltitol, saccharin, sorbitol, aspartame, and sucralose aren't poisonous to dogs, according to the Pet Health Network.

How Can I Prevent Xylitol Poisoning?

Placing foods and beverages out of the reach of your dogs and removing trash promptly are simple ways to prevent poisoning. Do you keep sugar-free mints, gum or candy in your purse or backpack? You never know when your pet may upend your bag and discover these tempting treats. For your dog's sake, place bags and backpacks in closed cabinets or on high hooks or shelves to prevent an emergency trip to the veterinarian.

Don't forget about non-food items too. Place toothpaste and mouthwash in the medicine cabinet as soon as you've used them, and store vitamins and medications in a safe, secure place.

If you think that your dog has eaten food that contains xylitol, call the vet immediately. Prompt treatment is essential and will reduce the risk of serious complications or death due to xylitol poisoning.

Whether you have questions about food safety or it's time for your pet's checkup, we're here to help you protect your furry friend's health. Contact us to schedule an appointment.


Vitagene: The Most Popular 2019 New Year's Resolutions

International Food Information Council Foundation: What Is Xylitol?, 1/3/19

Merck Manual: Xylitol

Pet Health Network: Xylitol Poisoning in Dogs: A Deadly Sugar Substitute

FDA: Paws Off Xylitol: It’s Dangerous for Dogs


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  • "Words can not begin to express our gratitude for the care you had given Hunter over the years. When his time came, he watched for you to come through the door and his tail showed his affection towards you. That was most comforting having you there. Thank you.""
  • ""Thank you so much for taking care of Maggie over the years. Y'all are the best and Dr. Johnson, you are the best vet in the world! God bless you all.""
    ~ J.D.
  • ""Your care for my beloved Mattie these last 10n years made her life, and mine much better….God bless each of you for all you did for us and I'm sure for all your other two and four legged patients.""
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  • ""Thank you for the great care you took of Taco and the rest of our family. He is doing great now! He is enjoying running and playing with all four legs again.""
  • ""People who avail themselves of your services at the clinic certainly are blessed to have such a caring staff....bless you and your devoted staff.""
  • ""A sincere thank you for taking such good care of Dulce. We are so thrilled that she is back to her normal self. You gave her the support and care she needed in her darkest hours and kept us confident in her recovery.""
  • ""Just to say how much we appreciate all of you. You all are wonderful people. We feel blessed to have our beloved furry children in your care when they need it. Your professional knowledge and your acts of kindness have a beautiful act all it's own. You are a great vet, compassionate and everything good all in one. You are in our daily prayers.""
  • ""Thank you and all of your staff for the excellent care you gave to my wonderful Abbey, who was so much a part of the family. Thank you for all the advice and support you gave to me these last few months. I don't know how I would have gotten through this without your constant support. I will, and I have highly recommended you to family and friends, as I feel you are the best!""
  • ""Thank you for taking care of my kitty, Slingshot. He is feeling better and better. My Paw-Paw said that you took extra special care of him and I really appreciate it. So, thank you again for taking care of my cat.""
    ~T.B. (age 6)
  • ""Dr. Johnson, I don't know why you decided to move here from your home in New Jersey, but I absolutely believe it was so you could help me and Mickey. I know coming to someone's home is not what a typical veterinarian would do, but you are obviously an extraordinary man in a world filled with ordinary men….On top of that, your sensitive and wonderful handwritten note arrived and touched my heart…You are one of those quiet, unheralded champions who make life easier for everyone you touch.""
  • ""Thank you so much for taking care of Lola when she had her reaction, and your office was already closed. I know you took time away from yourself and your family and I really appreciate it.""
  • ""Thank you for giving me more time with my best friend. We are all so grateful.""
  • ""Thank you for all of your support for Maxine during her illness. All was very much appreciated and will always be remembered. I have related to all my friends of what a great doctor and staff at Birdneck Animal Hospital.""
  • ""Thank you for taking such good care of me over the last 4 years. I am doing well and both legs and feet feel great. You sis an awesome job on me Dr. Johnson, and I'm gonna have a great year this year and I hope to see you only for my check up. You guys are the best!""
  • "We can't thank you enough for the wonderful and loving care you gave to"Budkus" while he was in your care. He was so little and so sick and we were so scared for him. Each and every one of the staff members made us feel like we had the only dog in the world. Like nothing else mattered except getting "Budkus" well again. Our deepest gratitude to all of you for the excellent care and attention we received, for your encouragement, comfort, and understanding, and most importantly for saving his life! Thank you so much.""
    ~ J.,B.,C.